Off The Mat
Lately, I’ve been practicing a lot of yoga. My Mom and I are having a difficult time getting along. Which is extra sad and frustrating because she has been sick and needs a lot of help. Every time I feel like I’m making a little spiritual progress in my practice our relationship quickly reminds me there is much work to be done. Thanks to the practice though I am much quicker to forgive both her and myself for the hurtful words. There is an Arabian proverb that says, “The words of the tongue should have three gatekeepers: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?” Taking a deep breath and remembering this helps a lot.
I don’t believe you can call yourself a yogi simply because you practice the postures. Even if you practice them every day. The yogi is created on a moment to moment basis by how you breath, how you move, how you eat, how you sleep, what you say and what you don’t say. So although I haven’t been on my mat much lately, I’ve been practicing,